Uniform Specifications
- The uniform is important, it projects our image and our style inside and outside of school. It is not enough to wear it according to the rules, it must also be worn correctly, since the appropriate personal presentation is a value promoted and esteemed by the SEK International Institution. Our own image distinguishes us and characterizes us in front of ourselves and others. We must be the first to take care of it.
- In the case of boys, hair must be kept short, above the earlobe, without going beyond the collar of the shirt and it will not be allowed to be cut excessively so that the hair can be seen. They may not enter the school unshaven, the use of makeup, extravagant hair dyes or the ostentatious or exaggerated display of accessories and adornments in clothing, which in the opinion of the school, detract from the image of the student is not permitted. Piercings and tattoos are strictly prohibited.
Below we indicate the types of uniforms authorized by the school:
Daily uniform

Sports uniform

Swimming uniform

Other uniforms